Course Description

The language you use in any client interaction will determine your results. Knowing the exact right thing to say at the exact right time is critical to your success as a real estate agent. You want to make sure you use language and messages in a way that reflects your overall objective. In the business of real estate, we are faced with a multitude of objectives in the selling and buying process. It is critical that you know how to identify the specific objectives, actions and language required to create the result you are looking to achieve. This module provides the tools you need.

Powerful Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn the language used by our team members on a daily basis to handle inbound and outbound calls.
  • Convert more leads to appointments by making an offer of value and leveraging the principle of reciprocity.
  • Embrace the value of follow up and have language and systems in place to ensure no lead is dropped.
  • By positioning yourself as a consultant and not a pushy salesperson, and communicating your value effectively, success will become a natural byproduct.

Module Topics Include:

  • The Power of Quality Scripts
  • The 5 Stages of Internalization
  • The Consultant Perspective
  • Complete Inbound & Outbound Call Script broken down by:
    • Start of Call
    • Buyer Value Proposition
    • Seller Value Proposition
    • Close of Call
  • Making a Showing Offer
  • Follow Up Offers
  • How to Handle Common Objections
  • The Value of Follow Up

Dan Plowman

As one of North America’s largest producers in real estate sales, Dan’s journey has so far spanned over 25 years & resulted in the development of current proven systems specific to our fast-changing industry. These systems, when implemented, are life changing. Dan has developed one of the top ranked teams in Canada for production and is consistently ranked at the top of Canada’s largest real estate board, maintaining millions in GCI year after year, dominating in his market.Dan teaches the same tried, tested and proven systems that his team uses on a daily basis to sell more than double the number of homes as the closest competitor in his marketplace.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Intro

    • Introduction to Speaking the Top Producer Language

  • 2

    The Principles Behind Scripting

    • The Power of Quality Scripts

    • The 5 Stages of Internalization

    • The Consultant Perspective

  • 3

    The Language

    • Start of Call (Inbound)

    • Sample Inbound Call

    • Buyer Value Proposition

    • Sample Buyer Value Proposition

    • Seller Value Proposition

    • Sample Seller Value Proposition

    • Start of Call (Outbound)

    • Sample Outbound Call

    • The Showing Offer

    • Sample Showing Offer

    • Follow Up Offers

    • Sample Buyer Follow Up Offer

    • Sample Seller Follow Up Offer

    • Close of Call

    • Downloads

  • 4

    Objection Handling

    • How to Handle Common Objections

    • Sample Buyer Objections

    • Sample Showing Objection

    • Sample Seller Objections

  • 5

    Follow Up

    • The Value of Follow Up

  • 6


    • Conclusion to Speaking the Top Producer Language